Kamis, 22 Mei 2014

Seleksi Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN) 2014 Provinsi Papua

Sesuatuuuu bangeeeett!! Kata Syahrini.
"That's true!", Orang Papua bilang.

Ooohhh Myblog... Its been a long time for not blogging and I miss it. Betul nih.. sa tra main2.. hehehe. This entry is kinda different. Am going to use English and Papuan dialeg. Jadi yg tra mengerti bahasa harian orang Papua yg gampang nih, ko car jalan sudah! Hahaha. Dong biasa bls, 'kk ko jahat sampeeee'..

Well, I am writing this cos Im one of the participants. Jadi, sa su rasa de pu tegang juga bah neeehh.. haha.

Alright! Without wasting too much time, let me just tell you the chronological of this hot topic! Dont miss any single letter (word tapiiii, #laugh if you get it. hahahaha)

1. Registration (11-17 April 2014)
First, I got this information from my beloved sista enggo yg paling andalan, named Priskilla Yoku ^^ She told me this selection and the required documents I need to prepare right 1 night before the closing date of registration. Sungguh tong langsung buka2 dokumen yg ada kah ini. Hahaha. The next day my brother and I went to PolRes and Hospital Yowari utk urus SKCK dgn surat ket kesehatan. After that, sa dgn sa tanta andalan alias ibunda dari sist Killa we went to Otonom office in KotaRaja to register me. Su hari terakhir, baru dtg terlambat lagi. Luckily kk2 dong mengerti jd dong masih buka registration kah ini. *whew. Trus in the end, kk dong blg yg lolos seleksi berkas will be announced via RRI Jayapura (Radio guys #justclarifying)

2. PreTest briefing and preparation (25 April 2014)
Next, after announced via Radio and asked to come to Otonom Office for further information, sa ke Otonom tapi sa pergi dlm keadaan cemas karna kira su mo tes. Padahal baru pengarahan dan pengumuman jadwal tes nih. Haha. Jadi sa su bawa gitar utk tes minat bakat. Hahhaha. So embarrasing. Untung sj sa taruh di dlm mobil. Hehehe. Its friday and its freeday. Thanks God we didnt have the test that day. The test will be held on the next Monday and Tuesday. Tapiiii, what made me shock issssss... dong blg harus tau menyanyi, menari, deng bahasa daerah. Nyanyi sih okok sj. Tapi menari dgn bhs daerah nih yg bikin sa stressed out.. Sementara pengarahan sa otak su sibuk atur rencana latihan tarian yg bsa dilatih dlm waktu 1 hari. Its hard guys, its tough for me. Really!

3. The Test Day (First day, 28 April 2014)
In this first day of the test, tong akan tes English writing, English speaking (interview), dgn psychotest. If Im not mistaken, tpada 53 participants.  Looking at all the talented participants made me realized that Papua is not only rich by the natural resources but also rich of the good quality of human resources. Yeah, honestly, I was so nervous. Saingan2 berat smua ini. On the writing test, we were asked to write Papuan issues in 10 minutes only. Di sa pikiran cuma ada Timika, jadi sa catat ttg masalah PT FreePort *winkwink. After that, on the psychotest, I was asked about my mental preparation, my personality, my family, my problem in adjusting myself to a new environment, my educational background, my knowledge about Papua, and so on. Last but not the least, English speaking and interview. Narasumber jùrinya kliatan kayak org Ausy bgtu. His name is Mr. Brandon if Im not misspelling. He asked us about Papuan issues, National issues, and even International issues. He also asked about culture and tourism places in Papua and also about our preparation in guiding the tourists. Yeah, thats it.
In the end panitia bilang, "kam tunggu saja kalo dapat sms sebentar, berarti kam tembus tes hari ini, tapi kalo tra dapat, berarti tdk." Jadi sa pulang dan bljr tarian lg plus H2C menanti sms masuk. Hahaha.
Jam 6,7,8 sms tra masuk2. Sa sms slh 1 peserta, tp katanya dia juga blm dpt sms. Jam 9, 10, 11, masih tdk ada jg. I told myself, 'ah mungkin mmg tdk tembus', but still, mata standby di hp. HP ditaruh disamping. Hahaha. I waited untill 1 a.m and I got nothing. So I fell asleep. I wished I got a miracle text in the morning. Morning morning. Its 6a.m. I checked again the phone. My dad asked me if I had received the message. And still no announcement. Sa hopeless. Sdhlah memang tra tembus mo paksa bgm lagi.

Eiiiittttssss.. what a thing! Sungguh sesuatu skaliii. Its about 7.30 a.m. and I had not taken a bath yet. My phone rang. Herrin called me. No, its not Herrin, its kk Seus the officer who used Herrin's phone. He came to rumah di Sentani to find me. Haduh kk sa berdosa skali.. sa di Hamadi baru kk kam urat cari sa ke rumah sentani. Sungguh sa terpukul karna terlalu terharu. Hehehe. Btw, Kk de blg bgini, "Ade, ko tembus seleksi kemarin, tapi ko tra kas tinggal nomor hp di biodata jd kk dtg cari di sini. Skrg ko siap tempo, ko langsung ke Otonom karna tes mulai pas jam 8." Sa langsung gerakan mandi bebek yg bahagia skali sambil peragakan2 gaya2 tarian dlm kamar mandi. Hahahahah. Sungguh, keajaiban. Syukur saja. Thanking God for everything.

4. The Test Day (2nd day, 29 April 2014)
We were 20an on that day. Not sure about the right total. Today, tong akan ada Art and Cultural Performance test (tes minat bakat), deng Tes Program negara tujuan. Awalnya sa daftar Program Korea Selatan, so I learned manythjng about Soutn Korea. In the art and cultural performance, I sang 3 songs. 2 songs are Papuan folk songs and the other one is Tanah Air Pusaka (National song). I also perform Sentani dance. Its 30sec only. Heheheh. I know I know you must be wondered ini tarian modelnya bgm sampe cm 30detik. Haha. But thats what I know. Hhahahaha. Setelah seles, tong break krna panitia dong rapat utk penentuan program kah ini. Haha. 3 hours I used to study about South Korea. Hahaha. Then they came and announced that I was moved to Canada Program. Its stressing me out. "Whaaatttt?? I learned so much about South Korean and now they wanted me to move?? Canada?? Wait, I know nothing about it. OK, Tab, where are you, googling Canada now! Oh goodness, this might be bad." Those questions runned in my mind.
Ahh, fortunately again, they just usked us to make a presentation. Trada tanya2 soal negara Kanada itu. Hehehe. And I did it well. But I know the others did it well too. Sungguh sa tegang skali tapi sa bersyukur su selesai dgn baik, and honestly I was very satisfied. Thats pretty enough for me.

While waiting for my father at Otonom office, and the panitia masih rapat, sa tlp2 org2 terdekat and text them that I did well. 2 hours kemudian, a text came into my inbox, its said: "Selamat, anda terpilih sebagai kandidat terbaik pertama perwakilan Propinsi Papua untuk program PPIK 2014-2015. Thanks"
Sa tiba2 speechless dlm hati. Wanna cry very loud. Haduh senang apa eeee.. mo menangis tapi masih di area kantor jadi trapapa tahan2 dalam hati saja. Hehehe. Sa terharu skali. GOD IS NOT GOOD, BUT GOD IS TOO GOOD. And it endures forever.


Sekian dulu utk entry hari ini. Masih bersambung dgn cerita2 PPAN yang belum selesai.. yang ternyata sa masih harus ikut dgn teman2 3 besar lainnya utk PDT daerah, masih mo disaring lagi katanya terus tantangan2 dlm melengkapi berkas, dan ketemu teman2 yg kocak yg buat sa tra stop2 tertawa, sampe akhirnya ketahuan, ada yg tulis sa pu orang tuh suka tertawa dan suara bokar. Hahahah. Uuuppss perlahan tapi pasti asli mulai keluar.. hahahahahah..


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