Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Unklab and me all about -- Part I

Started in 2009 -- End in 2012..
So undetectable and unexpected moment but they're all like miracles to me!

Summary - 3.5 years to be in Unklab is not a short experience, story and life.  There were too much things happened to me there and they have impacts on me in the past and in my life now.  I was there since August 2009, minoring in Computer and took English Education as my major to get my S-1 in 2012 December; I joined The Unklab Choir (TUC) for the whole years; I became a part of Ikatan Mahasiswa Papua (IKMAPA) Unklab yang sudah kayak family environment for me; I became an officer of Student Association of FKIP (Senat FKIP) for 1.5 years; became a corrector of Ms. Selvie Wahongan for 2 semesters; and I spent my 3 years by living in Aspang with very great friends.  I can only conclude that, all I know now is "I love being a part of Universitas Klabat". No regrets at all.

1000 MM Church
Universitas Klabat
Background - The reason, aim, goal, and motivation to come to Manado, Sulawesi Utara, was to join the 1000 Missionary Movement located in SLA Tompaso.  I have no idea with anything to do in something called University.  All I know was joining this program.  I was failed to join 1000 MM at that time (alasannya: age! I was 16 years old saat itu, otherwise the requirementnya bilang the minimal age should be 20 ato mendekatilaah).  I thought again and found that it's not a failure; God knows what my way is.  Therefore I decided to come to Unklab without nego2.  Meskipun deeply inside my heart asked and asked, "Why should it be UNKLAB akhirnya??  Dulu sajaa, I often thought that Unklab would never be a place I'd like to study.  You know why? Please deeeh, there were so many teachers of mine (from YPAT) studied there.  So, terlalu pasaran, mikirku (what about now?? heheh).  I wanted to be in somewhere else.  But, time passed and it changed my mind.

Here I was - Awalnya I thought.  What is "kuliah"? Kayak gimana sih rasanya? How would it be like? Is the system is just as the same as in High School? What should I choose to be my major? What about the environment? Damn, too much questions rounded in my head!!  Soalnya I had no plan to study here; not yet actually.  It wasn't my early plan.  Then I asked to my brother, Herrin Taime.  He recommended me to take English as my major.  I just said that it seems good.  I like studying English.  That's it sajalaah.

English Major - Yeay! That's it.  My choice is totally right.  I loved studying English (very much), like all the friends of my major, even all FKIP (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan) friends.  This faculty has something different dalam hal its people.  They are very friendly :-)

These are my first cute classmates: Devy Christabel (from Pend. Ekonomi, she moved to English Ed., Helgasyan Silvionna, and Titin Ramu (Left to Right).  Guess who is the youngest? NO, It's ME :-)  but their faces seems cuter than I am. I know and realize that, but whatever laah, yg penting I am still the youngest one :p hahahh.  I love them, though!

Talking about the subjects (I am not going to beberkan the bad sides, I'll let you know the good sides only).  I love all about grammar. Nah, because My English level showed that I was in Intermediate, I love Intermediate and Advanced Grammar Subjects.  Next, ada lagiiii.. because the next step of Grammar is Writing, therefore I love Writing subjects (from Writing 1 - Writing 3).  Some people might ask, "REALLY??" I don't know why, though it's hard and difficult, Writing subjects gave me luck ;-)  but if you want to invite me to learn it again, I will say "NO, THANKS!" too tired for learning it twice.  hahah :-D

The Unklab Choir - As an Alumni of TUC, I am proud to Serve God with Joy and with TUCans!  Great to have such beautiful and unforgettable moments with them.  I am an alto, specifically in 2nd Alto (Can you imagine btpa rendahnya suara saya? hahah).  One of the songs I love is "We shall behold HIM".  Any way, too much stories to be told, but I will only show the places I went with TUCans and some events I could post.  They are all written in the pictures below (Actually so many more I don't post, it will not enough, but just enjoy what you can enjoy :D ) Keep the motto:  --To Serve God with Joy--
In Gereja Agape - Balikpapan
@SDA Church of Martadinata

@Perum Balikpapan Baru
I forget where exactly it is, but It's in Manokwari :D

This is Manokwari's Hadi Supermarket & Dept Store (Ewis, k' Aldy Fernandus, Delfiana Wullur)
We perform in Kuala Kencana, Timika, Papua @Multipurpose's building
@Mozes Kilangin's Airport (Before departure from Timika - Manado)
Road to Tahuna --  Sanger
SMK Tahuna -- Unklab's promotion

This is the most beloved mace Nancy Titalessy.  I love her. She's my best friend in Alto.
With great alumnus and their families -- They are so lovely and gorgeous !
With our best alumnus (three of them are The Brothers from Indonesia's Got Talent. Notice that?)

How nice we are, aren't we? :-) We were preparing ourselves for syuting niih :D

IKMAPA - When I miss Papua, it's best when I am with Ikmapapans :)  It's a community of anak2 Papua (yg asli Papua atopun Pendatang) yg menyatukan all the Papuanists with aim to meet and know each other well.  It's so fun and lovely to be with them.  Look at how happy we are when we were gathered like a big family. 
They are all like a family for me, and I know God will always bless this great community.
These are us recorded in pictures:

Ikmapapans performed @ Unklab Cultural Night.
Some of Ikmapa's girls -- @Pinus Tree right beside PC Unklab
Some other girls of Ikmapa - Unklab Excursion, 2011

FKIP SA -- Be a part of Senat FKIP (Student Association of Education Faculty) is a of the grateful and thankful thing.  I enjoyed doing the tasks and cooperate with another friends in FKIP SA.  It's one of the best experience for me, and I think it will very helpful in my future.
Senat FKIP 2011/2012
FKIP SA 2012/2013

With Mr. Stenly Sedubun as the sponsor of FKIP SA

I Think that's all for now guys..