Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

my family :

Let me tell you what family means for me...
It's something indescribable,  it's a lil bit complicated, but it lasts forever until Jesus comes.  No one has the same feeling about what calls family.  Every one has his/her own sight about their own families. Your family is not mine, and it's not the same.  It's something unique. Sometimes I hate my brothers, but I love them more than I hate them.  Sometimes I want to be far away from them, but I will miss them even when I just imagine that I'll not be with them.  Sometimes I said that I regret to have them as my family, but from the deepest of my heart, I know they are the best gift from God, and for me, they are the best miracle.

I have a father named Hironimus Taime, comes from Sentani, Papua.  He was born in Ifar Besar, in November 9th 1961.  For me, he's an inspiring father.

Next, talking about my mother.  She passed away at 17 December 2008.  She was born in March, 19th 1961 too.  She's a best model of superwoman and I think I was blessed for having a Supermom like her.

I have two brothers.  The oldest one named Herrin Taime.  He was born in Tembagapura, May 17th 1990. The youngest one is Tedi Taime. He also was born in Tembagapura, January 15th 1997.  We liked to disturb, hit, be angry, and scream to each other, but I believe that those are moment to remember.
My Mom, My Lil Bro (Tedi), and My Father in Seaword, Jkt

This is me and my Lil Brother, Tedi

This is my elder brother, Herrin, the oldest one :D

These are my best brothers, Herrin and Tedi. Mirip tidak??
The last recorded moment I made her proud of me

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

with bougenville community !

I love Bougenville family.  I miss them so much.  It's a gift for having Mrs Marni Roring as our Kepas.